Join us to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Universal Combat Center!
Enjoy walking around our state-of-the-art facility and experience what a year of growth has done to our school and it's students. We are proud to open our doors and show off the hard work of Kevin Tomas (headmaster of Applied Defense Concepts and Ludus Ferocia), Shane Borrelli (co-owner of Applied Defense Concepts), and John Schares (instructor of LudoSport International).
We invite all instructors, students, supporters, and friends/family of the school to come show your UCC pride to the public - sparring, gaming, singing karaoke, and sharing food together like always!
We would like to specifically invite fellow businesses along Colley Ave, and anyone interested in learning about the many disciplines our school has to offer, to join in the celebration. We will have thrilling demonstrations of our students' skills and plenty of opportunities to meet the talented instructors of LudoSport International, Applied Defense Concepts, and Ludus Ferocia.
Feel free to bring food and drink to share potluck-style. See you there!
This event is free admission and open to the public.