• Hema Instructor Kai Tomas Founder of Ludus Ferocia

    Kai Tomas


    Longsword, Messer, Spear, Kenjutsu, Doyle Irish Stick (Level 2), Sword and Buckler, Dagger, Wrestling, and Empty Hand

    Kai founded Ludus Ferocia in early 2019, teaching mainly Japanese Kenjutsu (Katana) and German longsword. Prior to opening the doors to school, Kai has spent over 20 years studying various weapons-based and unarmed martial arts and has a ranking in karate, kenjutsu, and jujutsu. His belief in pressure-testing through sparring is a driving factor in Ludus Ferocia's martial culture.

    Kai is the founder (Soke) of Shin Moretsu Ryu (真猛烈流), the kenjutsu system of Ludus Ferocia. Kai is also the founder of Applied Defense Concepts, a Hampton Roads company that instructs modern systems to civilians, LEO, and military. Through ADC, Kai founded and currently teaches the RIVE knife fighting system.

    FUN FACT: Outside of fencing, Kai is a professional singer and pianist. In D&D, he plays a Half-Elf, Bard named Da'ane.

    ”Small moves kill them, big moves kill you.”

  • T.J. Catron


    Disciplines: Longsword, Messer, Saber, Scottish Broadsword, Sword and Shield, Doyle Irish Stick (Level 2), Great Sword

    A US Navy veteran and officer. Joining in 2022 as a student, TJ worked his way to an instructor position, teaching German longsword, messer, and Scottish broadsword. TJ draws on his 15 years of experience in multiple weapons-based and unarmed martial arts including sword and shield, German Longsword, Irish stick, Scottish broadsword, military saber, rapier, and Kung Fu from Southern Shaolin lineage. TJ is also a level 2 practitioner of Doyle Irish Stick Fighting and is now the director of the Fredericksburg VA Ludus Ferocia location.

    FUN FACT: He’s related to the guy in the Scottish broadsword class schedule photo

    ”In order for anything to work in martial arts, you need skill, speed, and strength. If you’re missing any, you’re missing them all.”

  • Tamariae Mayweather



    A US Navy veteran. Tamariae got his start in longsword with Ludus Ferocia in 2019. Through rigorous one-on-one training, he rose up the ranks as one of the academy’s first assistant longsword instructors. He currently teaches longsword classes on Sundays at our Norfolk location. Tamariae also has a background in wrestling and is enthusiastic about fitness and strength.

    FUN FACT: Makes his own mead, does leatherwork and wood work.

    "Drip over function. Looking cool is the most important aspect of sword fighting."

  • Joey Peisher


    Disciplines: Langes Messer

    Joey’s highly mobile style of fighting comes from his years of training in multiple weapons-martial arts. He began studying messer and kenjutsu from the academy in early 2020 and rose up the ranks to become a messer instructor in 2023. Joey is also a recognized national champion and instructor under the Ludosport organization.

  • Matt Schares


    Disciplines: Rapier and Dagger

    Matt is the newest instructor to join the Ludus Ferocia ranks. He comes from a background of multiple weapons-based martial arts and professional stage-combat choreography. Matt spent 5 years training and competing in Olympic-style fencing and teaches the rapier from Italian and Spanish sources. He is also a recognized competitor through the Ludosport organization.

    FUN FACT: Matt is a teacher for theatre and stage combat.

    “In martial arts and combat, there are only so many ways to move the body.”

  • A.J. Haynes


    Discipline: Longsword

    An active duty US Navy sailor. A.J. is a Longsword instructor and practitioner of multiple sword disciplines. He started with Ludus Ferocia in 2022, becoming a longsword instructor in the Liechtenauer system . He also studies broadsword and saber and the langes messer. A.J. is also a combatives student with our sister company, Applied Defense Concepts.

    "It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale.”

  • Ethan Burton


    Discipline: Longsword

    Ethan began his HEMA journey as a student of the academy at the age of 14. Currently, he is the youngest practitioner at the school who occupies an instructor role. As an enthusiast of the teachings of fencing-master Fiore Dei Liberi (1350-1409), Ethan brings an Italian perspective to our longsword classes. He became a certified instructor in early 2025 at the age of 16.

    FUN FACT: Habitual source-material Reader

    "Patience wins fights, hesitation loses them."